My husband of 40+ years asked me to post his favourite sandwich. He says after a long day in the saddle, say 1000 miles in 22.5 hours(he earned his Iron Butt Challenge in July at 65 years old) a guy gets a wee bit peckish, even after a big Dutch Girl supper, he will make this before heading to bed.
On a piece of waxed paper, large enough to cover the entire sandwich,place:
2 slices of your fav fresh baked bread
Peanut butter
Drizzle of honey or maple butter for a variation
Spread (on one side)each slice of bread with a thin (1/4 inch) layer of peanut butter, followed by a thin (1/4 inch)layer of Nutella, slice banana onto one of the bread slices, drizzle the other slice of bread with honey or maple butter, mash the bedecked sides of bread together, fold the wax paper over the top of the sandwich, then smash the sandwich until the ingredients are melded together and nothing will fall out, fold up the wax paper around the sandwich leaving one side exposed, take a bite, enjoy!
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